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Bill and Linda Lewis
Contact us at 804-305-8960
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, on February 11, 2001, Gospel Glory, Inc became a full-time music/preaching evangelism force, empowering lives to be changed forever by an uncompromised presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Primary ministers and principal officers of Gospel Glory, Inc are Billy and Linda Lewis. Gospel Glory, Inc is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, governed by a board of directors consisting of seven members. Willing to go wherever God leads, Gospel Glory, Inc ministers in a variety of ways including gospel music concerts, revival meetings, men's and women's conferences, marriage conferences, and Vacation Bible School, just to mention a few. In addition to traveling nearly two thirds of the United States, God has opened doors for travel to South Africa, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. During our nineteen years of full-time ministry, Gospel Glory, Inc has been blessed to be a small part in witnessing more than 20,000 new converts.
Overseas ministry has mostly focused on Brazil. We have conducted six missions’ trips, two weeks each in duration, to Paranapanema, Sao Paulo, BR. The needs are many in this poverty-stricken area and our goal, in addition to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is to obtain an x-ray machine and an ultrasound machine for the only hospital in Paranapanema. Outreach efforts include outdoor and indoor crusades, street ministry, Vacation Bible School, marriage conferences, ladies’ conferences, men’s conferences. Ministry visit are conducted in homes, schools and businesses including governmental offices. We assisted in the building of a new Baptist church there. Thousands have come to know the Lord as we minister with others in over ten cities in Brazil. The people there truly are hungry for God. We dearly love the people of Brazil. God willing, we are prayerfully considering a return trip to Brazil. Invitations to minister in other countries are welcomed and we will go through every door God opens for us as quickly as possible.
In lieu of traveling overseas, the last ten years, God has led us to focus on the spirituality in our own homeland, placing our emphasis around the small, poverty-stricken coal mining communities located in and around Harlan, KY in Southeast Kentucky in the Appalachians. In July we conduct Vacation Bible School, feed many hungry people and distribute clothing to those in need. We have also distributed school backpacks and supplies, furnished lice combs to area elementary schools and worked in conjunction with the local food pantry, Christ’s Hands, in nearby Harlan, KY, which serves as a hub for distribution, soup kitchen, clothes closet for all surrounding communities. More than forty volunteers from Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Ohio and Florida accompanied us in these endeavors. Thanks to their assistance, we have expanded our ministry to include men’s conferences, ladies’ conferences, marriage seminars and more. Tom Foust from Reston, MD and a member of the board for directors of GGI has led a team of eleven on seven separate work missions just west of Harlan to Wallins Creek, power washing and making repairs to the sanctuary of New Freedom Worship and making repairs to some local homes for people who could not afford it otherwise. Pastor Wayne Godwin, Lorida, FL, has also, on two different occasions, led a team of seven to Wallins Creek to build several handicap ramps and perform other repair/maintenance jobs as well. Our heart’s desire is to continue, to the best of our ability, helping the precious people of that region. Twice, we have participated in the annual Poke Sallet Festival in Harlan, Ky and return annually to Crank’s Creek United Methodist Church, about twenty miles east of Harlan and New Freedom Worship Center, Wallins Creek which is twelve miles west of Harlan, for Vacation Bible School. Desperate situations abound, especially for the children. Our goal is to meet the basic needs of clothes, shoes and food through Vacation Bible School, home visits and street ministry. We are so thankful for all who caught the vision for need and are working with us to meet each need.
We are involved in ministry at the Immigration Center of America, Farmville, VA, working alongside several other volunteer ministers. This is a facility where only illegal aliens are detained. More than 4,600 professions of faith have been made through this outreach. Due to Covid restraints we are not currently allowed to enter the facility but still making Bible delivers and providing some phone ministry work.
Each year, during the second week of July, we participate in ministry at family camp outing just outside Greenville, IL. It originally began as a youth camp over fifty years ago and has grown to include the whole family. We have ministered to as many as 150 campers in a single week. With Bible teaching in the morning and in the evening, this is event is intended to disciple believers and reaches out to at risk individuals.
Since 2001, we have been privileged to help distribute over 22,000 Bibles in nineteen languages have been distributed
We've had the privilege of being selected for numerous deployments to serve in crisis situations as volunteer chaplains with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team and Samaritan’s Purse. We have served as spokespersons for Compassion International and volunteer as church liaisons for Constructors for Christ.
Threads of Promise (TOP), operating under the banner of Gospel Glory, Inc, is a local ministry devoted to helping the homeless, battered women and children. Additionally, TOP has what been called the “suitcase ministry”. Betty Vermilya and Nancye Johnson, who head this important ministry, have the names of female inmates who are being released from prison. Each lady is interviewed and given a questionnaire to fill out prior to their release date. On their release date, each lady is greeted by Betty and Nancye with a suitcase filled with things they need to start a new life on the outside including a new Bible and a personal devotional book, professional attire or job interviews and necessary items for food hygiene and more. TOP has been instrumental in the work being done in Wallins Creek.
Billy and Linda each accepted Jesus Christ as Savior at the age of seven. We were Married July 9, 1976 and we have two grown children and three grandchildren. Crystal resides in Arlington, TX with her husband Josh. She has two children, Elizabeth and Bubby. Elizabeth is now a sophomore at Belmont University and Bubby just graduated from high school. Our son, Matt, and his four-year-old daughter, Madison, lives in Virginia Beach, VA. We are members of Victory Tabernacle Church of God, Midlothian, VA, totally involved and having served in several capacities. Linda assists with food pantry duties and volunteers her time with office duties. Currently, Billy is serving as staff evangelist Our days at home, in addition to our administrative duties, are filled with home prayer meetings, hospital, nursing home, and residential visits.
Gospel Glory, Inc is our full-time ministry and livelihood. We live by faith. Although the official start date for full time ministry began in February 2001, we stepped away from all secular employment in April 2002. God is providing for every need through love offerings, product sales from music CDs and other ministry-related items and precious individual contributors. Your prayerful consideration is respectfully requested for booking concerts, revivals and other various functions in churches and other organizations.
We are prepared to go wherever God leads. Additional promotional materials, personal references and contact information are available upon request to further acquaint you with Gospel Glory, Inc. You are encouraged to contact any or all of the references provided. More references can be supplied upon request. We can be reached at the address and phone number listed above. You can also find us on Facebook, Billy Lewis or Gospel Glory, Inc.